New forum design


New member

While I am waiting for my verification, I saw that the forum design is updated. Is this for everyone, or just for me?
I am asking because I like how this looks because now I can see faster what other people posted, but I wanted to know if this is only for me or also for the others.

I asked Kendall if she can please send me more information about the online courses, because my organization would like to follow digital courses.

Thank you
Kendall seems to be popular here… haha!
I’m not in charge of the verifications, but she is. I’m sure she’ll get back to you asap.

Regarding the forum design, yes this a site-wide change. We’re experimenting with this new design, it’s to bring more focus to the content instead of the topics.

What do you think about the new design?
The new forum design
The new forum design is good and more creative to explore more...
I emailed Kendall again about the verification. I also added a selfie of me to show it is me and show her who I am.

Can you ask Kendall to please check the email?

Yes I like the new design, it is very nice and gives more information about the discussions. I like it.
Kendall is currently on holidays. So I took over some of her tasks. You've emailed her over 15 times last night.
She emailed you with what documentation we needed. You haven't provided this yet. You can also DM me here on Fundflowr.
She can also text me on WhatsApp my number is in the email
No. Fundflowr does not communicate through Whatsapp nor through Facebook Messenger.
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