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We just joined Fundflowr so I cannot share a lot of feedback bevause maybe it already exists but something I would like to see on the platform is that you can follow online courses like LinkedIn has for their premium accounts. On LinkedIn it is very expensive, and that holds us back to buy this.

Maybe fund flowr can provide online courses for NGOs! Maybe free, and maybe some paid ones. But I think it’ll be a nice new function on the platform
Upvote 2
Uhhh Great suggestion! 🌟 You’re in sync with our plans. We’re currently crafting an exciting e-learning platform, and we can’t wait to share more details soon! Stay tuned for updates! 🚀😃
@Kendall, take it easy on the coffee! You’re spoiling some of our secret features 😳

But yes, we’re indeed planning on rolling out an e-learning platform. We will share more about this soon… very soon!
Yes, we would also like to follow online courses. Kendall, can you give me more information about this please????

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