Powerpoint templates


New member
Hello, I see on this website that you have templates in word documents but do you also provide templates for powerpoint for organization? This will help us a lot to get grants and win in the events here in Kenya because we are not so good in making powerpoints!
I like this idea! @Carlo, can we do this? It sounds like a good idea tbh bc we can create all kinds of templates that organizations could use for their NGO!
I like this idea! @Carlo, can we do this? It sounds like a good idea tbh bc we can create all kinds of templates that organizations could use for their NGO!
Oh wow. Yes, you're right! I like this. Sure, let's work on this! We can ask @Delphine to see if she can unleash her Powerpoint skills on this.
Shadowhunter, we heard you! We're gonna work on this.
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