Universal Human Development(UHUDEN)


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Universal Human Development (Uhuden) was registered in the year 2021 March 19th . Since its inception we are yet to secure any fund for our activities. We are based in Tanzania Dar es Salaam city

Our vision is to see an all-round human development on all spheres life this is only possible if we work with other stakeholders to make sure that universal human development becomes a reality throughout Tanzania and elsewhere in the world.


1. To promote and encourage activities that will lead to health and wellness for all ;

2. To promote and encourage universal academic and functional education for all the people regardless of age;

3. To advocate for policies that foster transparency and openness and encourage access to available social economic opportunities to all;

4. To advocate for policies that encourage proliferation of democracy, good governance and best practices in public administration;

5. To undertake activities that protects the environment including advocating for relevant policies for climate action;

6. To promote and encourage universal access to clean energy and safe and clean drinking water;

7. To promote and encourage sustainable agriculture as a means of ensuring quality and sufficient food for all;

8.To work with other interested organizations to make sure that gender, religious and ethnicity stereotyping is stamped out and buried;

9. To help youth and women to access capital and skills for income generation activities;

10. To encourage people through their local communities to participate in self-help initiatives such as pooling resources for medical insurance, student loans, burial assistance, etc;

11. To encourage women to participate more in society's affairs, including taking on political office and business leadership;

12. To encourage women to get more involved in social reforms; and

13. To encourage and promote sports and other forms of entertainments as a means of creating
The objectives are.
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